‘Victoria & George’. Stage and costume design, National Theatre. Iceland.

2002 ‘Victoria & George’. Stage and costume design, National Theatre. Iceland.2002 ‘Victoria & George’. Stage and costume design, National Theatre. Iceland.2002 ‘Victoria & George’. Stage and costume design, National Theatre. Iceland.2002 Victoria & George. Stage and costume design, National Theatre. Iceland.

‘Strompleikurinn’. Stage and costume design, National Theatre. Iceland.

2002 ‘Strompleikurinn’. Stage & costume design, National Theatre. Iceland2002 ‘Strompleikurinn’. Stage and costume design, National Theatre. Iceland.2002 ‘Strompleikurinn’. Stage and costume design, National Theatre. Iceland.

‘Factory’. Writer, player, costume design Jell-O Company. The Netherlands

2002 “Factory”. Writer, player, costume design Jell-O Company. The Netherlands2002 ‘Factory’. Writer, player, costume design Jell-O Company. The Netherlands

‘Eva 3’. Stage and costume design. Dansleikhus med ekka. Iceland.

2002 “Eva 3″ Stage and costume design. Dansleikhus med ekka. Iceland.

‘Poplife’. Stage and costume design, De Kazerne. The Netherlands.

2001 Poplife Stage / costume design, De Kazerne, The Netherlands